Monday, 22 December 2014

Give life

I believe music helps inspire people. And I believe people need to be more inspired in themselves and their environments. This helps grow the seed that was planted In us all. Nourishment is given and our stalks grow long and stretch for the sky. We sometimes lose our pedals but always find a way to grow back new ones. The inspiration we seek is embedded in the roots of life. We all somehow know what we want. Maybe we don't know how to get there or which path to chose to lead us there. Sometimes our destination is unclear. But in giving ourselves a chance, a chance at life, it becomes more prevalent what we really want to do. Take this for an example. Thousands of students attend university with no clear path as to what they really enjoy. Most students get by in their first and second year struggling to understand themselves. This is why academics strengthen the mind and soul in a universal calling kind of way. The struggle allows our inner demons to come out. We battle night and day contemplating to ourselves why we are here, what we like what we don't like, what teachers are giving hard times. What courses are easier. Everyone's experience is different. The commonality is that even though each one of those students may not be happy with the course they are in ( and may sometimes switch majors multiple times) they all possess the strive to understand themselves and eventually find what they really love. It may take 2 years it may take 10 years. The difference is in the mind and how we hash out every little aspect even through we are not clear on where we are headed. The universe has a plan for us. We all can provide some equity to the pot. We all have the ability to give something back that could in turn help another give back. I want to help protect the soul. I want to understand the human condition as it is represented among historians, culture icons and music lovers. I want to connect and find appropriate ways at attacking challenging social issues. I want to help protect the soul. Give warmth to cold hearts. Give bread to hungry tummies. I want to make change on a global scale using ground up approaches. Connecting communities of Likeminded individuals who believe in the compassion and understanding for human nature.

I want to dig deeper and hopefully I will find the ways to step into the next dimension. My pursuit of happiness is defined by the how far apart my strides are. I believe my challenge is as great as my pursuit

Give life
Breathe the air of crisis
Give life
Know exactly where the fight is
Give life
Take nothing but a citing
Give life
Read the book entitled
Give life


Be the change you want to see in the world

Sunday, 21 December 2014

National Objective

Citizen Scientists

As time moves forward, the influence of technology in early childhood could result in a disconnect to the natural world. This could ultimately be a deciding factor whether our species continues on a path of decline or if we shape our attitudes to promote positive development and growth as a collective species. The fact that so many couples are now are growing their families in these urban core driven mega-cities leaves them limited to how much green space they have access to. This could have drastic repercussions to their livelihoods and understanding of the innate possibilities of  happiness and love for oneself and others. Nature in fact helps shape these values from a very young age. Nature can develop our value and appreciation of non materialistic things and can balance chemical compositions in the body. Could this help the mind, body and soul? Nature and forests in particular can be very influential in early life.

As more become disconnected, the benefits of nature are not seen. People set grounded with their own values, often times individuals are closed off and not open to suggestion. Growth depends upon learning from failures and striving to achieve the best. How could the world have gotten to where its at if it wasn't for change?
Let us be the information seekers, Let our children be the information receivers, and let collective action change the world.
 Change depends on the openness and willingness to listen to others, take suggestion and make adjustments. One person may listen to the ideas and recommendations of another and maybe change something to make it better?  The phones would never be where they are at if it wasn't for the genius of suggestion; technology alone is a feat accomplished not by one but by multiple geniuses working together to achieve the best product. They work together with a profound understanding of the genetic makeup of a cell. They know themselves and move beyond the capacity of one individual. You begin to see transformation, growth and a similar resemblance.  By the time the process is done, you have two identical cells who have similar capacity to get the same job done. They now move in other directions and start dividing among other cells so that information can be spread across multilateral plains of view.
 When these collectives working together to unite ideas and when that happens the most miraculous things come of it. When we view nature as its own cell we can see it becoming more polluted the more bad things we stack upon it. If we divide the cell as is, we are polluting the next generation and the replication is now tainted. If we can first remove the grime, remove the unwanted elements that don't make nature the best it can be, when we replicate the cell we carry on only the most productive, influential and dynamic parts. This is what we want.  We want the division of environmental sustainability to be a thorough one. We want to know society will understand key pressures that we face  because of the risky faults that occurred in the past. We have to make our cell cleaner and more efficient. Let us be the best form we can be  This will help us become more connected to natural things and ultimately shape our attitudes carried out further into future generations.

Citizen Scientists are people who help in the collection of data pertaining to environmental issues such as migratory birds, freezing and thawing temperatures. This can then help in the development of sustainable practices that go towards promoting and creating more dependable natural systems. I think everyone should be involved in community building initiatives like these.  David Suzuki's mission is a staple of environmental thinking and he is on track with this idea and can create real change if manifested within society properly. I really believe in collaborative change and hope to be involved with projects like this in the future. I would love to play a part that helps shape the future in thinking and the collection of raw data. What a fun experience this could be for citizens of Canada, both who have lived here and cherish the natural heritage as well as newcomers and individuals who want to learn more about the integrity of the land and its capacities to sustain resources and life. An idea like this can spawn creative thinking, new ways of data collection and a thinking that should be engraved to rehabilitate our connection to our environments and the biodiversity that thrives within them.

Let us be the information seekers, Let our children be the information receivers, and let collective action change the world.Let us change the world on the notion that we can collectively understand more when we work with cohesion, strength, dignity, compassion, drive, and most importantly, understanding on matters. We are all trying to understand ourselves, let alone the entire system in which we have been placed. Why not lend a giving hand to others who can help you grasp concepts you might have known before. This is the beauty of participation, teamwork and unity. Let us take time out of our busy lives to appreciate the value in our environment, and to give back by contributing to the collective understanding of all things.

Sunday, 7 December 2014

The Broken Circle art

Broken Circle.

It's an arts movement in which I hope to drive forces of environmental education through music and culture. Get people intouch with the outstanding ideas that drive the forces of our social systems and political decision making. I want to harness the power of entertainment using my vision and voice. I want to envelop the world in a beautiful masterpiece of vibrant culture and the human condition. I see the world as static and susceptible to change with moving parts; but rigid and reluctant to it's motion to move toward better outcomes.
The fact is that the youth and other people are too caught up in music and art forms that display little gratitude or love for natural things. We are natural things! What happened to loving us, ourselves, one another? Where has the compassion for the human condition gone? Ive said it many times when trying to define the message and what broken circle stands for and when I think about it we are all just broken pieces in this world. It's hard to do it all yourself. It's hard to manage a lot when your alone. But when we come together we form a strong circle of bonds between Likeminded people with similar visions. We develop relationships based on subconscious inferences of this awareness. The universe has it's path. The question is. Are you making a difference in your own life. In someone else's? Have you neglected to help someone out of your own laziness or unwillingness to care? If we start valuing our human relationships and our natural environments then we can start to give back a little bit more and play little more of a role in the 'grand scheme of things'. How can we work together to form a bond between groups of people who stem from different roots of life?
We have to try to tackle real issues in local communities that eventually outreach to other parts of the world. This helps build confidence and character working communities. All it takes are these programs that help manifest ideas into motivated individuals to be their own change they want to see the in the world. We have to take on issues that activism stands for and really get out there and create solutions and find the endgame. Where can we make this difference. We have to start ground up. If we have to go into schools, strive to get on the news and seep into the media streams then so be it, that would be a level of success. Whatever we stand for it should make a difference in someone's life. We have to support these local programs that help strengthen our communities and build character among culturally diverse groups of people.

The most successful products and brands give people what they need and this is what I am trying to accomplish. I want to give sense of understanding and foresight into future think tanks of sustainable businesses and development ventures (whether it be infrastructure or social institutions that need structure). It's all about Brainstorming. Idea conjuring. Difference making. Building up people's ingenious nature to create and act. That's what the Broken Circle is. How we come about this dynamic change is something that will develop over time. If you are still reading this it means you believe in me and what I harness from within my heart and soul. I love what I do and I am slowly forever realizing I'm an artist and that's the way it will stay.

Munzy out

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, 20 October 2014

The Persistent Existence : The Artist and the Mind

        I always seem to find myself pondering about how I am going to get where I want to be. The point is I don't think I will ever be completely satisfied with my results, progress or pursuit to that point. I will forever strive for something greater. That is the beautiful thing about our dream for success. We are constantly shifting our goals and dreams as life progresses and by the time you know it, the achievements you set out for in the beginning are completely different than the ones you hold presently. We have to build ourselves up-and-out to become more resilient and defined by the experiences that we live and breathe.  The art I live and breathe is my life. Currently, its not as exciting as I envision it, but its still colorful with wonder as I picture myself on a stage reaching out to the people with my sound and my artistic self.  My voice, my vision, my soul-all out on the line to prove my love for people, the earth and the relationships it creates. I want to allow for the discouragements that we all hold to be taken away into a grand sanctuary that rids us of our sorrow. Allow for the freedom of thought and expression to become apart of all of us. Let's create together. My life vision might change because of someone I meet tomorrow. I am open to this possibility as I am to any other event that could occur which would alter my reality. I am open. I can be as open as I want when I want to be. When people test me, I close myself off. But overall I am an open and honest person.

Does this make me susceptible to the pressures of societal influence.?

Do I conform to a norm to go about day to day just meet an end?

    I have been thinking a lot about wanting to go work for a non-profit sector or something with rewarding gains that could help better my understanding of human nature. Just now, I am realizing my direction in life and how I need to use my skills as a strong young man to help tackle real world problems that face our youth, our sick, and our underprivileged. Its about a strong bond that confines us and binds us to others and their emotional state. We feel their pain, and glorify in their success. We need to find that pursuit.
What I can define as my mission now is going to change eventually, I know it. It can only get better, I'd say, because knowledge is power! What I know now I will not forget, but merely those understandings dissolve into my subconscious membrane, subtly undergoing change in tone, as my soul resonates through the corridors that lead to truth and devine wisdom. As an individual, I will better my my experiences forward. Its about understanding our capacity to learn, absorb and regurgitate. These are the things they try to instill early on in childhood but because the majority of our brains can't understand these fundamentals at an early age and we become negatively influenced by outside forces that lead to : unmotivated attitudes, drug use, boredom, discouragement, bullying, self harm. All these things have commonalities. They all stem from a problem that can be fixed from the source.  The problem is the source of their influence when 'it really matters'. I think life is just too fast for people to actually care when its necessary and take the preventative measures to ensure these outcomes do not become a reality. If we can encourage, feed positivism, encourage responsible roles, discourage 'wrongful play' and elaborate on environmental understandings overall then I think we can start building that dream we have hidden in the back of our minds. Our dreams have commonalities; we all want happiness.  Our minds need to expand and if we don't start to help shape these common goals of 'ours' as 'human kind' where will our motivation be to fix it for the future?

Munzy Out

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Time for your Dreams

Working on music can be time consuming! Let me tell you. its been a real balance trying to find time to do want I really want to, which is prepare for studio time on Tuesday and get the album ready mastered and finalized. 'Someones always loses out' should be the tag line to life.  It's a fact of moderation that you have to consider your priorities. If you have too much of something your not going to find time for those things you love to do.  But in the end when you give up one thing for another the attention is immediately shifted and it cases with people they always feels as if they are being replaced.  That's not the case.  In fact, if you go to do something you love and want to do it your not replacing anything rather placing your energy into another idea . Spite is a whole other level but that's not the point of this blog.  This blog is to identify with the idea that artists find themselves alone a lot working on their craft and often more times than not get lost in this world of clarity and fluidity.  Life just seems like it gets so busy and we really have to find the right times to sit down and take on our dreams.  Yeah our DREAMS!  You know those little ideas about what could be? How you can make a lot of money? How you can help people? How you can live free? Whats your DREAM?  I know what I want in my life and it is going to take a lot of sacrifice and dedication to get there. I know that with the help of like minded people, who hopefully I can get to give me some of their time away from the other things in their lives, to help me and my vision become something collective and together. Our vision together becomes a stepping stone to foundations to sustainable thinking and education on global issues. Without knowledge there is no power over the ideas that run our system. We have to functionally become better educators ourselves and take the time to show people how to do things right instead of just watching people do things wrong over and over again. This is called insanity.  Not sure who coined the term but "trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results is insanity"

Anyways Its been a fun journey getting all the music together and as these stories progress the ideas keep flowing and continue to overload my brain.  I have visions of music videos, art projects, community programming, charity work, shelter work, fundraising and awareness building through Canadian culture and global ideas so finding the time is a real battle. I am excited about all of it and am just happy to be alive

Be sure to follow our twitter and Instagram for updates and interesting photos along my journey.
Peace. Love. Harmony.


Saturday, 20 September 2014

The Artist within

I could not envision myself as anything else in this world, but a true artist. Whatever I may be doing, I find myself connecting to everything in an artistic way, whether it be seeing the rings formed inside of a peppers stem, or the way the light cuts through the clouds on sunset. I feel calmness when I connect in those moments and let the thoughts of existence and being here as a thing of beauty overcome my innerself. Why are we here? Its the question everyone wants to know and as we grow up we either drift further away from the ideal or draw closer to its understanding. We are all here, because we are. We live on the same planet but hold different ideals about culture and art appreciation. But we all come from a universal understanding of fluidity, gracefulness, and respect. See respect may be represented differently and portrayed in a different cultural sense, but the meaning is there. See what I had learned in philosophy is that you can uphold the same ideas about a certain negative or positive situation no matter your race or gender. I can use a chair as an example. The idea of a chair exists in our minds. And with that idea of a chair or however you identify with that said object, we start to have visions of many different types of chairs and we can create these different looking chairs in reality. We have sofas, couches, wooden chairs, fold up chairs, metal chairs, comfy chairs, hard chairs, colourful chairs, antique chairs, baby chairs, etc. They are all just a variation of the ideal chair. Serves a purpose.  We use it to sit on.  See the idea exists in everyone's minds about the function of the chair. No matter how you envision the chair whether is be blue or wooden, it is still an object identifiable across the globe. What if an artistic vision that dealt with the same principles was to emerge.  If we could get a large populous to identify with a common goal or idea about the future and our existence here as human species, as environmentalism has helped do, then we can start getting those different coloured 'chairs'. Who knows how far the idea could spread and create global awareness through arts and culture.  One idea, one mission, common goal. Environmental thought serves a purpose, and it helps create the sense of awareness that we need now more than ever.  What happens if we don't have those ideals and our minds are blank and there is no chair. Would the 'chair' actually exist?  This is why education is so important across the globe so that we all grow with better ideas about how to help one another and the planet.  It would be great if we could instill those values about how marvelous the planet actually is with all its meandering rivers, epic cave systems, and incredible landmasses. Where will be when when everyone knows everything about nothing.  That will be the day our Earth will be doomed.  My art will hopefully tie in the ideas about what we once valued in the past but has had little affect on the current population of youth.  More are doing drugs and more frequently.  Is the world too boring? Are you sick of seeing all the beautiful things all the time.  What more needs to be shown?  Maybe its time we start experiencing these things.  Experience culture!  Explore the arts. Find your own sense of placement in this crazy planet and define yourself in the moments that mean the most.  Be the best you can be and never let anyone bring you down. Carve your path to freedom of self and expression of individuality. Make your way with friends and let them be your strength when you feel like falling. We have to come to resolve on global issues and understand that some people are truly out to hurt and make bad judgments. Protect others who don't want to get hurt and strive to more commonly accept others for just being here too.  The world is a small place now, we have to make the moments together produce lasting memories and progressive understandings about what is common to all of us.  Our being, our sense of urgency to get stuff done, our time of rest that we all need.  Be the best you can be and never stop trying, because failure to succeed is one thing, and success through failure is another.

Hip Hop is my Branch, as the World is my Tree
-Munzy  EnviroHipHop

Monday, 15 September 2014


Hey there everyone!  I am going to be trying to update this daily with some new insights on developments with my music, and maybe some relevant topics concerning hip hop culture, the environment and news topics. Its always good to keep up on what is happening in the world.  There are a lot of things we are not well educated on and this blog will hopefully help inform on these underlining issues that affect our money, relationships and more importantly our future.  We are only as good as what we know.  Knowledge is power people.

I am Canadian born, but internationally inclined.  I want to bring the oneness back into the world, one person at a time.  The release album is coming in the next few months so watch for updates on my other social media websites.  I will be creating a new soundcloud and it will be full of fun stuff to listen to while we keep you waiting. Enjoy the blog!

I want to be a voice so if you have any suggestions or comments hit me up in my email at  it would be much appreciated as we are building a network of individuals who would be willing to change the world with us.  Join us. We will offer the most honest and sincere looks at all things organic.  Our sounds, our thinking, our mission.

Broken Circle

  It started with a couple friends and has now turned into a full fledged lifestyle. I live and breathe BrokenCircle. It represents a collective of people who have struggled with hardships in their lives and can see positive change in the world through media, arts and culture.  I have been fortunate enough to learn about culture and the way our world revolves around our interchanging of ideas and ideals.  It is a constant battle of harmony when political, social and  environmental problems start arising that causes stress to economies, peoples livelihoods and local resources. The idea behind #brokencircle and envirohiphop is to bring these issues to light in an entertaining and dynamic way.

The way in which music is manifested within our world is sometimes degrading and instills the wrong values and ideas in the youth's minds. It is about creating more awareness so that our youth can grow into the stewards that we need to advocate for global issues in the future.  Without the future of thinking being set into the right place, the hopes for true understanding and value towards our natural and social environments is doomed.  We will not be able to face the extensive damage that current stakeholders are inflicting, nor we will the populous understand just how vast these problems really are.

Here's the problem. If we keep crafting our kids into the same, technologically dependent, socially manipulated, and politically influenced individuals, how are they ever going to find inner peace with themselves and what their actual skills and talents are?  They will be so consumed on the ideals (what things should sound like, look like, feel like) that it will be hard to see the truth in themselves, what their potential is, and just how special they are. We will never truly change for the better as a human civilization if things like bullying and racism still occur. Everything is connected, and yeah cutting bullying out from schools might not feed the hungry children of the world, but that change in thinking of helping rather than hurting  can drive those who influence (like the bully) to stand up for something that is real and possibly look at helping others instead, which in turn could feed the hungry.

    There are a lot of people that need guidance in this world.  If there are no resources to provide that then those youth will grow up lacking certain fundamental skills that ultimately would have connected them to their inner self, the world as a whole and the universe in which we reside in.  The driving forces behind success that are available to some may not be to others and therefore those who are without cannot grow to their full potential as living sentient beings of this planet.  Its about a spiritual connection to others around you, your family and the world as a living being herself.  If we can start to understand just where we fit into the world we can start to develop deeper feelings towards other cultures, acceptance, forgiveness, and can start to develop into empathetic selfless individuals.  There are too many people with too much power not doing enough to shape the world we live in for the better.  We have to make a more prominent stand ourselves as broken pieces of this world; coming together to form a strong circle and network of like minded people. Attitude changes everything!