Thursday, 12 March 2015

Artistic condition

Help us awaken the grace of our hearts, as you step into the broken circle we carve - Munzy

I wrote this after working on my art for a while. I have been drawing more and my abstract ideas have been leading me to understand more of a balance in my life. I started working on an abstract medicine colour wheel and it's turning out vibrant!

I see it as the Earth suspended upon the Galactic family of big brothers and sisters. We hover in our existence unknowingly subdued by the Earth's forces. We think we have control. But what is in control is something with a powerful persona of energy, balance, strength and resilience. If you would please check out and support my fundraising campaign so I can get more art out there and start giving away pieces for invested fans.

I really appreciate the support, no matter what form and I hold true to what I want to do. There is no straying now. I'm in it and it's becoming more evident of my power in the process. I feel strong and want to become stronger. I want to share my motivational enlightenments with the world. I feel more connected to my surroundings. Nature and animals bring me peace and I can feel my spirit animals calling me. I strive to make this happen so please check out my page at gofundme. It would mean so much for you support and heck, you get a copy of my album :)

Anyways have a great day!

Be the change you want to see in the world -Munzy

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